International Year of planetearth 2008 Mosaic Exhibition - Artists Directory
Toni Richfield - England - Contact Details :
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The Disappearing Whale (Climate) |
Artist Statement
My love and respect for animals inspired this mosaic.
I like the simplistic idea of the humpback whale's tail disappearing into the ocean. This signifies that unless us human alter our behavior, climate change is likely to make these endangered whales disappear from the planet forever.
I used unglazed ceramic tiles as I wanted the mosaic to feel calm and peaceful, as Iwould imagine it would imagine it would feel like to be in the presence of such a wonderful animals. The mirror droplets reflect back the person looking at the mosaic - the person who can help to change the survival of the whale.
Suzanne Rippe - France - Contact Details :
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Artist Statement
Rocks are the inaccessible Earth, the cradle
As I usually work with rocks, it’s only natural that I chose to explore the deep Earth theme
using this medium.
On a human scale, rocks symbolise permanence, stability, but as with all matter,
rocks are constantly transformed over time.
Cutting rock into tessera makes the matter flow, puts it into motion.
Opening it up allows me to savour the emotion of discovering its secrets, hidden away
for millions of years.
(Every line in a pebble tells its own story)
I use the tessera and fragments to reconstruct a new (or another) story, with its own pathways and rhythms.
But each fragment also dictates, by its texture, its color, its willingness or not to be cut the way
I would like, the story to be told, the image to be reconstructed.
Bringing these stories together gives birth to the image, the work art.
Debbie Ryan - England - Contact Details :
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Gaia (Soil) |
Artist Statement
In Greek Mythology Gaia was the Goddess of the Earth.
In the 1970’s James Lovelock came up with his Gaia Theory.
The theory proposes, that the Earth behaves as if it were a superorganism, made up from all the living things and from their material environment.
James Lovelock argues that such things as the level of oxygen, the formation of clouds, and the saltiness of the oceans may be controlled by interacting physical, chemical and biological processes. He believes that "the self-regulation of climate and chemical composition is a process that emerges from the rightly coupled evolution of rocks, air and the ocean - in addition to that of organisms. Such interlocking self-regulation, while rarely optimal - consider the cold and hot places of the earth, the wet and the dry - nevertheless keeps the Earth a place fit for life."
Lovelock adds : "If we see the world as a superorganism of which we are a part - not the owner, nor the tenant, not even a passenger - we could have a long time ahead of us and our species might survive for its "alloted span". It all depends on you and me."
Sally Servian - England - Contact Details :
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Extinction (Climate) |
Artist Statement
This mosaic was inspired by climate change and Earth’s ancient ‘Stone Tape’. The red sun in a lava-purple sky symbolizes global warming. Hence uncertainty hangs over our world. The life we know luxuriant and diverse, expressed here by green-gold jungle and blue-gold ocean is threatened. The Tiger, an endangered species on land, claws upwards, while the Blue Whale, endangered in the sea, dives down an abyss formed from rock layers geological periods which each hold a fossil organism. Our planet has seen many extinctions and rebirths; it continues to evolve.
Wildlife and stone have always excited me, and I am fascinated by prehistory.
I love glass for its robust rich colour and mosaic for its flow and cohesiveness.
Ali Soper - England - Contact Details:
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Abstract (Deep Earth) | Fish (Ocean) | Topiary Tree (Soil) |
Artist Statement
Soil - Topiary Tree
The globe of the earth represents the head of the tree.
Each tile is a country, showing the human are not all the same size or colour.
The tree is silhouetted against a wavy background which is depicting the rhythm of life. Showing that life is full of ups and downs.
My feeling for the piece is that life should be lived to the full, with lots of fun, love and interest.
Ocean - Fish
The completed mosaic shimmers with light and a deep watery feeling.
The rich blue - green turquoise glass is like a beautiful deep sea.
With the sunlight striking the top of the water, the beautiful great fish of the ocean can be seen in all it’s splendour.
With the unknown of the ocean a surprise awaits !
The same as all things bright & beautiful and all creatures great & small.
Deep Earth - Abstract
The layers of the earth are reflected in all the different textures of the materials used.
Above ground the grass grows with all it’s might, the bees buzz around looking for the nectar of the flowers.
Below ground paying attention to each tile’s colour and texture adds depth to the piece, making it easier to see the complex design with a simple linear pattern.
To create interest between shiny and matt surfaces, keeps the interest in all the elements of the design.
The “ Heart” of the deep Earth. Can you find it ?